Hi! I am no longer writing this blog. My new Finnish blog can be found at WWW.JOSEPHINESUOTMAA.COM, welcome!

Hei! Olen lopettanut bloggaamisen täällä. Uusi blogi löytyy osoitteesta WWW.JOSEPHINESUOTMAA.COM, tervetuloa mukaan seuraamaan!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

she is clothed in strength and dignity

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"She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs with no fear of the future" 
- Proverbs 31:25 

I consider myself a strong person. I've been through a lot in life, but I tend to avoid talking about my issues as I hate being weak in front of others, which is why I don't cry often either - especially in public and of sad events. I'm not saying it's a good thing as I tend to burden myself with emotions I don't want to feel and eventually burst, but "strong" is definitely a word I often hear other people use when describing me. 

Dignity is a big word that means a lot to me, as I want to consider myself as a person with dignity. I know my worth and value and refuse to be treated with any less than what it is. I have a lot of pride (maybe even too much), and I respect myself enough to walk away from any situation that no longer grows or serves me in any way.
In that way I feel that this quote of mine, originated from the Bible, describes me perfectly. I wanted to make a modified version of the extract, as I'm not exactly a biblical person. By changing "with" to "in" I feel like the meaning behind the words is a lot stronger - I am dressed in strength and dignity, not just with it. 

I took my time with doing this post, since the tattoo has been really sore due to the sensitive spot in which it is in - first there was a lot of bleeding, then it bruised and now it's finally slowly starting to heal and lose all the scab that it had formed. It's still a little unbalanced in coloring, but it should be good soon.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

back to

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I promised myself that I wouldn't dye my hair anymore after cutting them, but because I got highlights I figured that they were already "ruined". I wasn't really comfortable in my multi-colored hair, which is why I welcomed back the good old black since it always makes me feel good. 
Special thanks to Pauliina for dyeing my hair and taking these late night photos! 

Lupasin itselleni etten enää värjäisi hiuksiani leikattuani ne kesällä, mutta otin silloin jo raitoja joten totesin hiusteni olevan jo "pilalla". En oikein viihtynyt monivärisissä hiuksissani, minkä vuoksi toivotin vanhan kunnon mustan tervetulleeksi taas kuvioihin. 
Erityiskiitokset Pauliinalle hiusteni värjäämisestä ja näiden myöhäisillan kuvien ottamisesta!

Sunday, October 26, 2014


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This week has been really busy for me. On Monday I got eyelash extensions for the first time in over a year (!!), and I've come to realize that they're the best investment possible when you want to look good all the time effortlessly - now that I have a pretty steady income I feel that I can afford to maintain them, so I'm just going to enjoy my life with my lashes (and stress on keeping them on point). 
On Tuesday I was working, and on Wednesday I got two new tattoos (oopsie...tattoo posts coming up!)  and the other one of them you can partially see from these outfit photos. 
On Thursday I was visiting my grandpa, and on Friday my H&M package arrived in which this lovely leopard shirt was in - I've been drooling on this leather-sleeved baby in the store but I thought 30 euros for a shirt was too much, so as soon as I saw it 50% off online I clicked it in my shopping cart. 
It's beautiful, right?

I wanted to wear another outfit for today's photoshoot with Pauliina, but my hair wasn't co-operating to I'm hoping to execute that outfit some other day. It was ridiculously windy outside, which is why there aren't many pictures of me without the fur cause my hair was all over the place (and I almost froze to death). I straightened my hair for these pics and realized that they are already super long which is depressing since I feel like I just cut them...anyone else with hair that grows waay too fast?

My whole weekend has pretty much been all about partying, and I'm currently getting ready to leave the house again...I hope you guys have a peaceful Sunday!

Any opinions on the outfit?

P.S. If you guys have any idea where I could buy a pair of black skinny jeans for a good price, let me know! My Zara jeans a little worn out, as you can see from the pics...I've tried on a few pairs but not really found anything good enough for me, so all tips are more than welcomed.

 Tää viikko on ollut ihan uskomattoman kiireinen mulle. Maanantaina kävin ensimmäistä kertaa yli vuoteen ottamassa ripsipidennykset (!!) ja tulin siihen tulokseen, että ne vaan ovat paras mahdollinen investointi kun haluaa näyttää hyvältä vuorokauden ympäri vaivatta - nyt kun mulla on suht säännölliset tulot koen, että mulla on varaa ylläpitää näitä joten aion nyt nauttia ripsirikkaasta elämästäni (ja samalla stressata niiden kunnossapitoa). 
Tiistaina olin töissä ja keskiviikkona kävin ottamassa kaksi uutta tatuointia (hupsista...tatuointipostaukset tulossa!), joista toisen pystyy osittain näkemään näistä asukuvista. 
Torstaina olin näkemässä pappaani, ja perjantaina saapui H&M pakettini josta muunmuassa tämä ihana leopardinen paita kuoriutui - olen kuolannut tätä useita kertoja kaupassa, mutta mielestäni 30 euroa oli turhan suolainen hinta yhdestä paidasta. Nähtyäni sen puoleen hintaan nettikaupassa en epäröinyt hetkeäkään, vaan klikkasin sen heti ostoskoriini. Se on kaunis, eikö vain?

Halusin pistää toisen asun päälle tämänpäiväisiin kuvauksiin Pauliinan kanssa, mutta hiukseni eiät olleet yhteistyökykyiset joten taidampa jättää sen asun jollekin toiselle päivälle. Ulkona oli ihan naurettavan tuulista, minkä vuoksi noita takittomia kuvia on vähemmän sillä hiukseni valloittivat suurimman osan kuvista (ja meinasin jäätyä kuoliaaksi). Suoristin hiukseni näitä kuvia varten ja huomasin kauhukseni miten paljon ne ovat kasvaneet kun juurihan ne leikkasin...onko kellään muulla ennästysvauhtia kasvavat hiukset?

Oma viikonloppuni on ollut lähinnä juhlimista, sillä olen tälläkin hetkellä valmiina lähtemään ulos...toivottavasti teillä on rauhallinen sunnuntai!

Mitään mielipiteitä asusta?

P.S. Jos tiedätte mistä löytää mustat pillifarkut hyvällä hinta-laatusuhteella niin ilmoitelkaa! Zaran farkkuni ovat hieman kulahtaneet käytössä, kuten kuvista saattaakin huomata...olen sovitellut jo muutamia farkkuja mutta mikään ei ole täysillä kolahtanut, joten vinkit ovat enemmän kuin tervetulleita.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

ghetto zebra

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Sometimes I come up with outfit combinations that even I don't understand - this is one of them. I wanted to wear my zebra fur coat after a long break, and the polo shirt seemed convenient since I'm still in a flu so it kept me warm. All of a sudden I decided that my superstars look cool with the fur, and the hoops were just a must. In all weirdness I still kind of liked it, what about you guys? 

This is the outfit I sported out yesterday while shopping for some Halloween costume stuff - I love dressing up and this year I will finally be what I've wanted to be for years now!! 
Who guesses what (or who) I'm talking about? 

Tuesday, October 14, 2014


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Yesterday's outfit, as we went to take some outfit pics with my dear friend to the park next to her apartment. I wanted to wear something with heels again as I realized that I actually missed wearing heels, and so I came up with this ensemble perfect for this fall weather. 
The fur vest I found from Lindex's children's section is on for the first time even though I found it over a month ago, isn't it adorable? Even more adorable was its price, as it was only 9,95€ due to a special campaign. It's super soft too, if we must continue listing the positives. 

I've had a sore throat for over a week now and last night it got so bad that I was sentenced to have a sick leave from work for the next three days, so I'm just going to enjoy my orders of doing nothing by reactivating my Netflix account and eating some Ben & Jerry's. Things could be worse really, right?

Any opinions on the outfit?

Eilisen asu, kun olimme kuvailemassa rakkaan ystäväni kanssa hänen asuntonsa lähellä olevassa puistossa.
Halusin pistää taas jotain korkojen kanssa sillä tajusin kaivanneeni korkokenkiä, ja sain sitten aikaiseksi tälläisen asukokonaisuuden mikä sopiikin täydellisesti tähän syksyiseen ilmaan.
Lindexin lastenosastolta yli kuukausi sitten löydetty turkisliivi pääsi vihdoinkin ensimmäistä kertaa käyttöön, eikö se olekin suloinen? Vielä suloisempaa oli sen hinta, sillä se maksoi vain 9,95€ johtuen erikoiskampajasta. Se on myös ihan superpehmeä, jos näitä hyvien puolien listaamista jatketaan.

Mulla on ollut jo yli viikon kurkku kipeänä ja eilisyönä se äityi sen verran pahaksi että sain nyt sairaslomaa seuraavalle 3 päivälle, joten nyt aion nauttia lääkärin ohjeista olla tekemättä mitään aktivoimalla Netflix-tilini ja syömällä vähän Ben & Jerry'siä. Asiat voisivat olla huonomminkin, vai mitä?

Mitään mielipiteitä asusta?

Sunday, October 12, 2014

the two sides of me

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I've come to the conclusion that there are two sides of me, or more of my style. The feminine one with high heels, faux leather and fur, lace and jewellery - and then the street style one with sportyness, convenience and hip hop vibes. Sometimes I mix them together and it becomes one happy fashionable mess, also known as my style. And I like it. 

The leggins (yes, wearing leggins as pants once again - don't judge me) are actually super old and bought back when I was in 9th grade (!!), but I rediscovered them while moving. They are super comfy and quite flattering too, if I may say it myself. 

Which outfit/style of mine do you prefer more?